domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012



The world policy regarding international security changed since 9/11 in a drastic and gigantic way. It changed in the way that there started to exist more security rules at public and busy places, easy targets for terrorist’s attacks (airports, markets, important and big places, etc.). Since the terrible 9/11 events, national and foreign security has become an essential fact, that concerns the entire world, and that demanded new world policies regarding International securities, not only local, but also global laws. For example, extradition became a much more demanding method used by the U.S. and other countries for defeating terrorism. As well, optimism decreased all over the World. “The era of optimism about the world's future ended abruptly with the World Trade Center and Pentagon air hijack attacks in 2001. September 11, Garrett said, "created, among other things, enormous political capital for the Bush administration both at home and abroad. The attack was probably more shocking than Pearl Harbor. (Evans). That “abruption of optimism” generated that stronger security policies were approved and that the entire World- or most of it- declared a direct war to terrorism. Finally, the economic profit given to security and protection was increased in the U.S. and other countries.

The new priorities regarding International Security starts with a basic one: terrorism must be defeated. The new priorities started with the purpose of not letting another 9/11 event to happen. In the present day, society is focusing a lot on the security ways and laws to protect from attacks. Another priority started by giving more of the national budget (presupuesto) to war and national security in some countries, leaving a bit apart the social and humanistic part of the affected society. For example, Colombia wastes more than 26 billion pesos on national defense against terrorism, according to the daily news El Espectador. (Castrillón). The priority of most of the World bécame one with a simple and elemental theses: win the “war against terrorism” “battle”.

<<Castrillón, Gloria. Cara a Cara en Cuba: en el más completo sigilo”. El Espectador. Paz. 17/11/12. Web. 18/11/12.
<<Evans, Leslie. “American and the World: What Has Changed since 9/11?” UCLA International Institute. 03/04/11. Web. 18/11/12. asp?parentid=3552.>>

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