domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012



According to the Unite Nations (UN) in 1988, “terrorism is a method of repeated violent action, employed by individual, group or state actors for idiosyncratic, criminal or political reasons. In terrorism, there is no specific assassination; targets are chosen randomly to create a fear in national security.” (What is terrorism? Defining terrorism Post 9/11) Now, after the 9/11th attack, terrorism is one of the most serious issues for international peace and worldwide security. According to U.N, the terrorist attacks were usually domestic, limited to a small country, however, now a days; after the 9/11th attack terrorism has grown to be present in the international world. After these definitions, we can see that terrorism has expanded all over the world; it has grown up and become more powerful than it was 50 years ago.   After the 9/11th attack, a feeling of insecurity enabled all over the World.

The 9/11th attack affected Colombia in various ways. The World Trade Center- and the Twin Towers- kept basic information about the World and its movements. The two towers contained, as well, thousands of records of the economy of many countries, including Colombia. When the two towers were destroyed (9/11), all those economy records disappeared and the economy of the U.S felt down and, as a big consequence, Colombia´s economy had also a low.  Also, the United States started to approve laws for their national security maintenance. The laws were strict rules that had to do with airports, ports, and foreign new laws. Moreover, the U.S. applied them much more with countries with negative historical backgrounds. Having in mind that Colombia is a country that has had hard terrorist’s attacks. As well, becoming for the U.S. a national purpose to “defeat worldwide terrorism”, they started to help Colombia (and several Worldwide countries) in their own war against terrorism, guerrillas, and other insurgent groups, with pacts and alliances to eradicate violence and drug production.  (Wales)

1.Jimmy Wales. «Wikipedia». Enciclopedia. “History of Terrorism”., octubre 11, 2012.

«Yahoo voices.» Informativa. "What is Terrorism? Defining Terrorism Post-9/11 World".

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